WordPress Templates are Broken! (but we can fix them)

WordPress is awesome — but the loop isn’t. When you’re writing a custom theme, even simple site requirements can turn your home.php file into a muck of code. Clean markup? Good luck. At Upstatement, we wanted better templates. So we built them.

At Upstatement we integrated Twig (a template language like Mustache, Hogan and Handlebars) into WordPress to speed-up code, testing, and design. Designers and front-end developers can work quickly with the clarity of HTML and use variables from WordPress where they need. This dramatically simplifies and speeds-up the theme development process.

Template languages are a major feature of Rails, Node and Django, but not something found in WordPress (until now). In this session, I’ll walk you through how to build a theme using Timber and Twig. With this understanding, you’ll be making more themes with cleaner code and less debugging.